Mortgage Loans
Home Loans

Personal Mortgage

Purchase Loan

Refinance Loan

Foreign National Loan

Home Equity Loans and lines of credit

Lot Loan Program

- How is mortgage loan interest calculated?
Mortgage loan interest is calculated based on the principal amount, the interest rate, and the loan term. It can calculate using simple or compound interest formulas. Learn more about mortgage loan interest calculation.
- Who benefits from a reverse mortgage?
Reverse mortgages are designed for homeowners aged 62 and older who want to access their home equity. They provide a source of income or funds for seniors to supplement retirement or cover expenses. Reach our loan officers for more information.
- What is a home equity line of credit (HELOC)?
A home equity line of credit (HELOC) is a revolving line of credit secured by the equity in your home. It allows you to borrow funds as needed, like a credit card, using your home as collateral. Learn more about HELOCs.
- Is a HELOC the same as a home equity loan?
While both use the equity in your home, a HELOC is a line of credit you can draw from as needed, whereas a home equity loan provides a lump sum upfront. Explore the differences between HELOCs and home equity loans.
- What is the interest rate on a home equity loan?
The interest rate on a home equity loan can vary depending on factors such as creditworthiness, loan amount, and market conditions. It's typically fixed, but various factors can influence rates. Contact us to learn more about current interest rates.