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Fraud Prevention

Fraud Prevention by IBC Bank
IBC Bank feels that the best way to protect yourself from fraud is to know how to prevent it first.

If you are a victim of identity theft or account fraud

The unlawful use of someone's identity is a serious matter to IBC Bank. If you're a victim of identity theft or account fraud, you should call your IBC Bank customer service representative immediately. IBC Bank will work with you to correct all unauthorized transactions in your IBC Bank accounts as well as correct any incorrect information that may have been reported to the credit bureaus. 
Call the fraud departments of all three credit bureaus. Ask them to put a "fraud alert" on your file. This tells creditors to call you before they open any more accounts in your name.
  • Equifax 1-800-685-1111
  • Experian 1-888-397-3742
  • Trans Union 1-800-888-4213
  • Contact your local police and ask to file a report. Even if the police can't catch the identity thief, having a police report can help you in clearing up your credit records later on
  • File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Call the FTC's identity theft hotline toll-free at 1 (877) IDTHEFT (438-4338). The hotline is staffed by counselors trained to help victims and take their complaints. You may also file a complaint online at
  • Complete the identity theft affidavit, which will assist you in reporting to many companies that a new account has been open in your name. Obtain a copy of the identity theft affidavit by clicking here
Together, you and IBC Bank may be able to prevent identity theft and account fraud before it ever happens. If you would like more information about identity theft, you can do any or all of the following:
  • Get more information on fighting identity theft from the FDIC at and the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of the Controller of the Currency by clicking here
  • Visit the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC) consumer website at
  • Call the FTC toll-free at 1-877-IDTHEFT (438-4338)

Types of online threats/fraud

Email and fraudulent websites

IBC Bank Fraud Prevention
Sometimes criminals may send you email that looks like it has come from IBC Bank. These phony emails ask you to go to a website that also looks like IBC Bank and provide your personal account information. Some of these phony emails even caution that if you don't do this, your account may be suspended. But the website is also a fake, and this is a fraud attempt.
This is the most common type of online fraud, and is called "phishing and spoofing". Criminals send these phony email messages or direct someone to a fraudulent website for one goal, to steal personal and financial information. Remember, we will never send you an email asking for your User ID, password, or other personal information.
If you should ever receive an email that appears to be suspicious, do not reply to it or click on the link it provides. Simply delete it. To report a suspicious email that uses IBC Bank's name, you can forward it to (If you have general questions about the bank or your accounts, please go to Contact Us.)
Remember, It's not our practice to:
  • Send email that requires you to enter personal information directly into the email
  • Send email threatening to close your account if you do not take the immediate action of providing personal information
  • Send email asking you to reply by sending personal information
  • Share your name with any contacts outside our firm in a manner inconsistent with our Privacy Policy

Spyware and viruses

Spyware and viruses are both malicious programs that are loaded onto your computer without your knowledge. Whether the goal of these programs is to capture or destroy information, to ruin the performance of your computer, or to bombard you with advertising, you don't want them.
Viruses spread by infecting computers and then replicating. Spyware disguises itself as a legitimate application and embeds itself into your computer, to monitor your activity and collect information.
Spyware and viruses are both serious threats to the security of your computer.

Pop-up advertisements

Pop-ups are the advertisements that appear in a separate browser window. When you click on some of these pop-ups, it's possible that you're also downloading "spyware" or "adware."
Sometimes, criminals create pop-up ads that look like they come from a respected financial institution and ask you to enter personal financial information, but IBC Bank and most other financial institutions will never ask you to verify personal financial information.

Fraud & Security FAQs


Each situation does vary for everyone. We'll work with you to make the best decisions based on the nature of the compromise and what data you shared.
It's the result of an elaborate new type of scam called “spear phishing.” Criminal groups collect data from multiple sources and combine it to create more convincing emails designed to convince you to share information that should be confidential between you and the bank.
If you are suspicious, don't reply to, click on, or enter any information. If it says it's from IBC Bank and you're suspicious, you can forward it to If you entered information about one of your IBC accounts, you should call us immediately. We investigate each incident thoroughly and will do everything in our power to stop further unauthorized email from being sent.
Looks can be deceiving. As criminals make more credible forgeries of legitimate email and websites, you can no longer rely on seeing familiar graphics like the IBC Bank logo. The key to determining the authenticity of e-mail lies in the tone of the message and in the nature of the solicitation. Criminals want you to give them information and they're not very subtle about it. Our goal in marketing via email is to inform you about a product or service we think you might be interested in.
They might not know anything about you specifically, but they do know IBC Bank has many customers. Their idea is to cast a very broad net in hopes of catching unsuspecting customers. It works like this: Phishers target the customers of large companies. They then proceed to phish millions of email accounts, knowing that many of their targets will be among the recipients. In the process, they end up sending mail to many people who aren't customers.
Yes! We do everything we can do to minimize the risk to you. We aggressively evaluate the messages, work with law enforcement to shut down sites and provide resources to help you become more aware of the issue.

Identifying if you are a victim of a scam

If you can answer "yes" to any of the following questions, you could be involved in a fraud or about to be scammed!
  • Is the check from an item you sold on the Internet, such as a car, boat, jewelry, etc?
  • Is the amount of the check more than the item's selling price?
  • Did you receive the check via an overnight delivery service?
  • Is the check connected to communicating with someone by email?
  • Is the check drawn on a business or individual account that is different from the person buying your item or product?
  • Have you been informed that you were the winner of a lottery, such as Canadian, Australian, El Gordo, or El Mundo, that you did not enter?
  • Have you been instructed to either "wire", "send" or "ship" money, as soon as possible, to a large U.S. city or to another country, such as Canada, England, or Nigeria?
  • Have you been asked to pay money to receive a deposit from another country such as Canada, England, or Nigeria?
  • Are you receiving pay or a commission for facilitating money transfers through your account?
  • Did you respond to an email requesting you to confirm, update, or provide your account information?
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